TCC Test Syllabus & Pattern | Army TCC Test |

Don’t miss your chance to join the Pakistan Army through Army Technical Cadet Course (TCC). To ensure your success, take a close look at the Army TCC Test Syllabus and the Test Pattern. Understanding these details will give you a clear roadmap on how to approach and excel in the TCC Test. This information is vital for your preparation and securing a promising future in the Pakistan Army.

Knowing the Army TCC Test Syllabus and Test Pattern is important for getting ready for the TCC Initial Test. It helps you understand what to study and focus on. If you don’t follow this syllabus, you might prepare a lot, but it might not help you in the test. So, studying according to the Army TCC Test Syllabus is super important. It helps you study better and increases your chances of passing the army’s initial test faster

Army TCC Test Syllabus

Understanding the TCC Test Syllabus might seem tough. But, first, it’s crucial to know the test pattern and how many MCQs are in each part of the TCC Test. The Army TCC Test has three parts, and knowing this helps you prepare better.

Verbal Intelligence Test80-96 MCQs30 minutes
Non Verbal Intelligence Test80-96 MCQs30 Minutes
Academic Test50 MCQs25 Minutes

The TCC Test comprises three portions, and it’s essential to successfully pass each stage before proceeding to the next. Let’s explore the various types of MCQs that may be included in these three test portions.

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Types Of MCQs | Army TCC Test Pattern |

Each portion of the Army TCC Test includes the different types of MCQs.Here is the Army TCC Test Pattern.

  • Intelligence Test
    • Verbal Intelligence Test
    • Non-Verbal Intelligence Test
  • Academic Test
    • English
    • Physics
    • Mathematics
    • Chemistry
    • Computer study/Computer Science only for CS Students.

The first and second parts of the Army TCC Test are called the Intelligence Test. Most new candidates don’t know about these tests, and about 70% of them fail these parts. To avoid failing, it’s important to practice a lot for these Intelligence Tests. We provide sample tests for Army Verbal Intelligence Test and Army Non-Verbal Intelligence Test that you can practice online. For the Academic Test, you need to study subjects like English, Math, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Pakistan Studies, and Islamic History.

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How To Prepare Army TCC Test?

Preparing for the Army TCC Test becomes much easier when you follow the right path outlined in the TCC Test Syllabus. Our Online course and Army TCC Test Preparation Notes have helped 90% of students pass the test in the past five years. These resources are designed specifically for the test and can quickly boost your preparation.

Getting ready for the Army TCC Test needs a clear plan:

  • Learn about the test parts – Intelligence and Academic sections
  • Study the subjects listed in the syllabus
  • Practice using specific materials and mock tests
  • Manage your time well
  • Ask for help if needed
  • Stay calm during the test.
  • Following these steps based on the TCC Test Syllabus increases your chances of doing well in the TCC Test

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TCC Initial Test Experience

Taking the Army TCC Initial Test is a special experience for those aiming to join the Pakistan Army as an officer. It’s a mix of excitement and hard work, representing the first step toward a rewarding career in Pakistan Army. The test is a mix of challenges and chances to show what you’ve learned. Every candidate’s experience during the TCC Initial Test is important, shaping their journey toward becoming a technical cadet in the Army.

Here are some helpful tips for preparing for the initial test. Firstly, consider buying a book or test preparation notes designed for the TCC Test. These resources, available in books or online courses like, cover essential topics and important MCQs that may be part of the test. It’s crucial to note that the initial test is conducted on computers, so candidates should have a basic understanding of using a computer.

Recommended TCC Test Preparation Book

The TCC Initial Test is quite similar to the Army PMA Initial Test, with a few differences in the academic syllabus. You can buy books like the PMA Book or other Army Test Preparation Books to prepare for the Intelligence Tests. However, for a complete and quick preparation, we highly recommend using the TCC Test Preparation Notes. These notes cover all the important topics and likely MCQs that will be asked in the Army TCC Initial Test, ensuring you’re fully ready in a short time.

PAK ARMY TCC Test Preparation Notes

TCC Test Preparation Notes

Recommended for initial test preparation. Designed as per Army TCC Test Syllabus.

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