Candidates who want to join Pakistan Army through Army Lady Cadet Course 2025 and searching for detailed information about PAK Army Lady Cadet Course Test. Here in this article, you can get free test preparation material, LCC Test Syllabus, and LCC Test Pattern.
The candidate can prepare as per LCC Test Syllabus. Before starting preparation must read given bellow instruction bout ARMY LCC TEST PREPARATION.
Army Lady Cadet Course Test Preparation
The Pakistan Army Lady Cadet Course (LCC) written test includes multiple-choice questions on
- Intelligence Test
- Verbal Intelligence
- Non-Verbal Intelligence
Sample tests of the Verbal Intelligence Test for LCC and the non-verbal intelligence test for LCC are given below. You can also ask Practice Test for LCC Intelligence Test.
- Academic Test
- MCQs from General Knowledge, English Language, Mathematics, and Current Affairs
The test is designed to assess the candidate’s mental ability, comprehension, and knowledge of current events. Candidates who pass the written test will be eligible to move on to the next phase of the selection process, which may include an interview, physical fitness test, and medical examination.

Army Lady Cadet Course Test Preparation Book
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Intelligence Test
There are two types of intelligence test
- Verbal intelligence test
- Non-verbal intelligence test
Verbal Intelligence Test:
A verbal intelligence test measures a person’s ability to understand and use language, including vocabulary, grammar, and verbal reasoning. The test typically includes a variety of question formats, such as multiple-choice. Here are the Army Lady Cadet Course Test sample and practice tests.
- Army verbal intelligence Test for Lady Cadet Course:
- In this test, a total of 85-90 MCQs are given to solve within 30 minutes
It’s important to note that while verbal intelligence tests are a good way to measure verbal abilities, they are not the only way to measure intelligence and other abilities such as spatial reasoning or mathematical abilities should also be taken into account.
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Example of Verbal Intelligence test
Here is an example of a verbal intelligence test question:
- Select the word that is most similar in meaning to the word “skeptical”:
a) Credulous b) Doubtful c) Certain d) Pessimistic
The correct answer is b) Doubtful.
Another example:
- Select the word that is most opposite in meaning to the word “generous”:
a) Charitable b) Stingy c) Magnanimous d) Benevolent
The correct answer is b) Stingy.
These are examples of multiple-choice questions, which are one of the common formats of verbal intelligence tests. The test can include many different types of questions
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Practice Tests:
all is to many as few is to ?
The terms are related in quantity: The right term is a small decrement of the left term.
hip is to ankle as shoulder is to ?
The first and third joint of the leg are the hip and ankle. The corresponding joints for the arm are the shoulder and wrist.
butcher is to knife as hairdresser is to ?
A butcher uses a knife, a hairdresser uses scissors.
warm is to hot as old is to ?
A synonym of warm is hot, a synonym of old is antique.
Europe is to Spain as North America is to ?
Spain is a country in Europe, Canada is a country in North America
earth is to ball as pancake is to ?
The earth has the shape of a ball, a pancake has the shape of a disc.
bow is to arrow as ? is to bullet
You shoot arrow with a bow, you shoot bullets with a gun.
prose is to poetry as conversation is to ?
Poetry and prose are rhyming and non-rhyming written texts, song and conversation are rhyming and non-rhyming spoken texts.
evening is to morning as dinner is to ?
In the evening you eat dinner, in the morning you eat breakfast.
left is to right as horizontal is to ?
The opposite of left is right, the opposite of horizontal is vertical.
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which Word Does Not belong to the List ?
Which One is Different from the Rest ?
Complete the Given Series ? 11 12 14 15 __?__
Which One is Different from the list ?
Continue the Following Series ? 7 49 6 36 5 __?__
Insert the Correct Number ? 0 5 12 21 __?__
If Brush is to Painting as Pencil is to ________________________?
Which One is the Different from the Rest ?
What Will Come Next in the Following Series ? 8 8 16 9 9 18 10 10 __?__
What will come Next ? 19 9 29 8 39 __?__
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Hot is To Burn and Cold is To __________________?
Gun is to Soldier as ____________ is to Photographer.
Continue the Following Series ? 40 35 25 20 15 __?__
Bulb is to Current as Lamp is to ____________?
Continue the Following Series ? 25 50 100 125 ___?___
Which One is Different from the Rest list ?
Bed is To Sleep as Chair is to __________________?
Kamal is Older than Jamal, Jamal is Older then Hussain, Hussain is Older then Waqar Who is the Oldest ?
If 1800 O’ Clock is to 6 O’ Clock then 1400 O ‘ Clock is To _________________?
If Shoe is to Foot then Helmet is to ________________?
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Non-Verbal Intelligence Test
A nonverbal intelligence test, also known as a performance test or an assessment of practical intelligence, measures a person’s ability to solve problems and understand concepts without relying on language. These tests may include tasks such as completing puzzles, copying designs, or manipulating objects. Here are the Army Lady Cadet Course Test sample and practice tests.
- Army Non-Verbal Intelligence Test for Lady Cadet Course:
- In this test, a total of 85-90 MCQs are given to solve within 30 minutes
Example of Non-verbal Intelligence Test:

The Right Answer Is Figure 1
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Practice Tests:

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Select the pair of figures which is not like the others or least like the others.

Select the appropriate pattern which best fits the cut part of the picture?

Select the figure which is not like the others or least like the others.

Select the appropriate pattern which best fits the cut part of the picture?

Select the figure which is not like the others or least like the others.

Select the appropriate choice to complete the sequence?

Select the appropriate pattern which best fits the cut part of the picture?

Select the figure which is not like the others or least like the others.

Select the appropriate choice to complete the sequence?

Select the appropriate pattern which best fits the cut part of the picture?

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Academic Test
The Lady Cadet Course (LCC) is a program for women in Pakistan to become commissioned officers in the Pakistan Army. To be eligible for the LCC, candidates must take the Army Academic Test, which includes tests on English, mathematics, and general knowledge.
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Practice Tests:
Graph of quadratic equation is?
When quaid e azam joined Indian national congress?
UN secretary General Ban Ki Moon belongs to which country?
South Korean Ban Ki-Moon, (born June 13, 1944, Ŭmsŏng, Japanese-occupied Korea [now in South Korea]), South Korean diplomat and politician
Headquarter of International Atomic Energy Authority?
which angel is also known as Ruhool Qudus?
how many countries in Islamic Alliance against terrorism?
how many Permanent members of UN General security council?
When Did britishers annexed sindh?
where is shah jahan mosque?
which City of punjab is most populated?
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First wife of Hazrat Muhmmad SAW was?
Kirthar range is in which mountain?
What is the sacred place for Sikhism in Pakistan?
Largest Hadees Collection by whom?
Chelsform Reforms date?
How many languages are used in Pakistan?
Shimla conference Date?
1st constitution of Pakistan was made after how many year of independence?
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Currency of Cuba is?
Hottest City of Pakistan is?
2nd largest continent of the world is?
Hazrat Yaqoob (R.A) was son of?
Namaz was made obligatory during the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ Miraj in _______ of the Nabvi:
Largest manmade lake of Pakistan?
Largest lake of world is?
Abu Jehl was killed in which Ghazwa?
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AOA i have it is confirmed that Accadamic test is based on English Gk And Mathematics.?? The degree in which we apply there is no questions from this please give me answer?
Academic portion also contain on Degree related MCQs